hye u guysssss ..It's a beautiful Monday morning..
and I'm just starting my day by eating a bowl of fruit whilst typing this dumb diary entry.
It feels so good to eat something that's not processed..
I have not been proud of my diet for the past week or so..
All the processed foods left me extra pimpley and tired.
This week ...I'm prepared to be good by eating lots of vegetables and fruits because I wanna get my old weight...(even though my boyfie will mad offfff me) heehehe sorry waaqie..
Okay, let's talk about something else.
Recently I was saddened to hear about my blog friend get cyberbullying.. (not a cool stuff)
In my opinion everybody carries burden and anybody can be bullied. ..You can be bullied by your own parents, uncles and aunties, siblings, friends, bosses and co-workers.
I'm positive that people who bully others do it to release their own tension from the hardship of their own lives. They relieve themselves by loading their baggage on others..
Sometimes, people don't know how to handle this sudden excess 'baggage'. '
I wish people just minded their own business.... !!Things would be so much simpler if people just did their own thing. Some people feel the need to say or do something when other people's personality / behaviour bugs them. Mind your own freaking business. You're the one having the problem...
Mind your own business = Staying out of trouble, gossip, hurt and unnecessary feelings
For the sake of 'feeling cool', it's NOT OKAY to put somebody down. It's funny for you (or your friends) but you have no idea how it is to be the victim...
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